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Short-term Study Away Leadership Application

Short-term Study Away Leadership Application
  1. Proposed Program Title (an attractive title that is 50 characters or less for optimal marketing)
  2. Program Leaders and previous Study Away leadership experience
  3. Program Type
  4. Proposed Program Course Information
    • Course number and title
    • What committees have approved the course (Curriculum Committee, Core Committee, Integrative Learning Committee for PEAK status)
    • Any prerequisites
  5. Global Learning Goals and Outcomes- GL and GEC are adopting Global Learning Outcomes for the 2020-2021 academic year applications. The Global Learning Value Rubric identifies many outcomes that all study abroad programs contribute to in various ways and to various degrees; this tool is meant to assess what we know faculty are already doing. Identify which of these describes what you strive for in your program, and please include them on your syllabus.
  6. Health, Safety, Accessibility, and Sustainability​
    1. Identify with GL staff anticipated health and safety risks, accessibility issues and sustainability commitments.
  7. Upload the following:​
    1. Course Syllabus
    2. Program Description​
      • A 100-250 word description of your program for advertising purposes​
    3. Program Rationale​
      • 250 word (maximum) summary about how this program addresses the needs and interests of students and advances the mission and strategic initiatives of the College and its academic program.​
    4. Proposed Itinerary​
      • Outline program elements with attention to timeline and duration, travel and residency, as well as pedagogy and participant expectations. Discuss the relations ships between these elements and learning goals and outcomes.
Itineraries and Budgets
VALUE Rubric